NeverAgainLand. Micheal Jackson is dead.
8:00 am PST June 26 2009
NeverAgainLand. Micheal Jackson is dead. It's a stunning thing. When someone who has been so ubiquitous in your live dies - even if controversial- the feelings are hard to quantify. I finally realized what it was yesterday. Yesterday so many of us aged.
We forever lost access to one of the amazing ferris wheel rides of our youth.
The fact that Micheal Jackson passed away just before we were about to experience him one more time in what would likely have been another groundbreaking musical tour only puts accent on OUR loss.
No matter your opinion of HIS life, Micheal Jackson is now one aspect of OUR lives that we will never again experience in the same way. That makes it a deeply personal loss for everyone.
Now Micheal Jackson's music is a memory of our lives rather than a possible promise of new musical and life experiences. Today his music is being enjoyed by so many people all over again. ( Music Nirvana - The Best Music hourly Hourly bestselling music index.)
At least it makes us all appreciate the past experiences of our lives more to see and here it all over again.
Just click Music Nirvana - The Best Music hourly To see Micheal JAckson's music reclimb the charts.
Now you can find your favorite science fiction by the decade
8:00 pm PST June 21 2009
Have you ever wanted to find science fiction stories from certain decades? now it's easy with our exclusive Science Fiction By the Decade index.
Just click Science Fiction By the Decade and you can find the great old stories from the masters from the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and more or find modern works. You can even find your old favorite stories from childhood.
(remember to look up for more recent live blog entries.)
NY Mice hail hero on trial for killing sadistic cat
8:30 am PST Sept 29 2008
(remember to look up for more recent live blog entries.)
Heroic waiter/actor Joseph Petcka barely escaped conviction after killing the sadistic mouse torturing cat of his ex girlfreind, and NY Mice are taking to the street vocally in his defense. Mick the Mouse squeaked loudly for the cameras "That cat mercilessly clawed swatted and played 'Cat and mouse' with my cousin last year and then left him to die on the neighbor's stoop. Petcka is a hero and should be credited with saving the lives of hundreds and perhaps thousands of defenseless mice that would have died in the next few years. No one should pity this serial mouse killing cat. Are the lives of mice any less than the lives of other animals? WE SAY NO!" Later some mice lamented that the success of the TV show Dexter about a serial killer may have desensitized people to the serial killer nature of cats.
Later the growing crowds gathering in front of Petcka's apartment building cheered wildly as PETM (People for the Ethical Treatment of Mice) showed up naked waving only signs and their asses. Actresses in PETM chanted "We show our glands as we take stands for defenders of Innocent Mice." Spokeswoman and aspiring model/actress Tiffany Bountiful stated "Petcka and others who care about mice are often persecuted in this country. WHEN WILL the country stop the hypocrisy of valueing one furry critter more than another? Will it take a strike by mice everywhere and piles of crumbs so big they stop traffic before mice are recognized as the valuable members of society that they are? We are here today so THAT costly social strike can be avoided."
The pro Petcka celebration was only slightly dampened when one mouse was arrested after it was noticed that he carried a small camera as he scurried under the skirtless PETM members taking video.
Skeptics stated "Clearly that mouse was a plant by the police to discredit the protest. No mice claimed to have ever seen the arrested mouse before and it was beleived he was given suspiciously good cheese while in detention before being inexplicably bailed out by police officers. The video was seized and is being reviewed extensively in the precinct for it's evidentury value. Other police sceptics complained that, since the passage of bills allowing ads to be run on the Police precint website, it is likely the video will appear in full there very shortly and the whole arrest was a money making ploy combined with an attempt to discredit those defending mice everywhere. Legal scholars noted that since none of the PETM members were actually wearing skirts during the protest the videographer mouse could not be charged for taking upskirt videos.
(Not Satire unfortunately)
You are reading the vivzizi blog
This is an unofficial site where I chronicle some volunteer activities I have become involved with. It's raw - behind the scenes stuff. I don't even spell check it half the time and I edit it by hand in notepad. You want pretty? then watch sheeple news.
The stories are below the ads so skip on down if you are in a hurry.
I was heavily involved in the search for Steve Fossett leading an effort to round up some very generous volunteers of extremely advanced scientific equipment to help with the search for the lost aviator when the official stuff just wasn't being done with the most advanced equipment. Before that I helped track down phone numbers in a community effort to indentify public hypocritics regarding the arrest of the DC madam. The stories are below.
It is an unofficial volunteer blog. Usually I get involved with something if I feel I can bring some intelligent contribution or technical skills to a cause that I think has some life saving or social or national importance or political relevance or if I just want to try to right a wrong.
Thanks for looking! More information below the sponsor add (Hey! buy a book and support this relatively commerce free site site!)
Visit other interesting sites here What's next for the Earth The super hurricanes are coming Do earthquakes sometimes get triggered by solar activity? Sound that helps you get rested How to kick the gas habit and join the future
November 2007 *****The Hollywood Writer's Strike Coverage*****
Recently I have begun reporting on the Hollywood writer's strike picket lines. It is the first strike I have ever reported on and I am sure for many americans around my age they have never been involved in a strike either.
It is an interesting experience I can tell you! I am going to present a real inside look at it and you will be able to walk the picket lines with me.
The strike effort involves the WGA writers and is supported by SAG and many actors icluding the casts of many Hollywood TV shows including The Unit, Desperate Housewives, Big Love, Las Vegas and many more. Television production is rapidly shutting on almost all the Tv shows although there are some movies still shooting.
I have photographed actors such as Bill Paxton, Gary Cole, Ray Ramono, Doug Savant, Minnie driver, Sara Silverman, Kathy Griffin, Eva Longoria, Robert Patrick and many more on the picket lines. Most of these actors are people I know and I have worked with because I have been on about 100 productions in the last 2 or 3 years usually as a non speaking actor (although I have gotten a few speaking parts lately).
I have interviewed some of these writers and actors and will be posting those videos here.
The first of several news stories and videos will be linked here.
The first video is a news photo essay called "The Writers Cause" can be watched for free on the internet on
Please rate it highly with Metacafe and vote it up so it will gain more visibility for the writer's cause!
If you have a comment on it you can email me at asfvolunteera at vivzizi dot com (get ride of the a's in the first part and put the normal @ and . in to email me)
The Writer's Cause - More amazing videos are a click away
September *** Steve Fossett Search effort*****
Renowned aviator Steve Fossett is missing after taking off from a Nevada Airstrip on Sept 3rd at 9am.
****Oct. 2007 Updated!****
I became heavily involved in locating the most high tech equipment and methods available to be used in the search. A person's life was a stake and I knew I could bring some resources and fast focus to this that would otherwise not be available to the man's family. Although unfortunately we have not yet been able to locate his aircraft, I brought some techniques and equipment to the search that had never before been used to search for a downed aircraft. The story and thanks to those experts around arounfd the country who helped me assemble the technology and the team will go here soon.
Original post from early September:
I have found an indication of a mountain top fire from a Sept 3rd 11:35 AM PST MODIS NASA satellite photo in the general search area.
NASA Modis satellites take high rez photos of all parts of earth each day and automatically identify fire signatures on the ground they fly over. I searched the sept 3rd photo for Southern California taken at 11:35 PST and noticed an automatic fire identification red square on the satellite image in the high mountains just west of Morro Lake which is just west of the search area.
The search team HAS BEEN NOTIFIED and they contacted me and are following up on this possible lead.
I hope it can help find this aviation pioneer in time. One can hope so since just yesterday a person was found alive after an unrelated car accident after having been trapped in his car for 7 days.
Look at the modis image here.(right click on it and say open in new tab or open in new window.)